Cylch Blodeuwedd

Druidic Grove in North-West Wales


Here are some book reviews from the Cylch Blodeuwedd members, of what is definitely a “must-read” for those interested in Druidry or Celtic Spiritualities.


~Celtic Wisdom, by Carl McColman
As part of the “Idiot’s Guide” series, the book is really easy-to-read and is perhaps the best introduction book I know of, that gives an surprisingly-indepth and accurate (emphasis on accurate) overview of ALL the Celtic paths–Christian, Faery Faith, Wicca, or Druid. ‘Nuff said

~Living Druidry, by Emma Restall Orr (Bobcat)
Soon to be coming back into print, this is a must-read for anyone interested in druidry; and her approach is refreshing and moving, compared to some of the really dry, scholarly stuff out there. Particularly practical and bardic-y.

~The Book of Druidry, by Ross Nichols
Well, this book is really intellectual and has some bad historical theories in it, but the overall book is impressive and really gets into the ideas of what druidry meant for the ancient celts. I don’t agree with him very much, but he still has some really good ideas and the book is a great resource for cross-referencing stuff like deities, festivals, and rituals.


~Kindling the Celtic Spirit, by Mara Freeman
I find this book one of the best resources for rituals–it basically gives you a plethora of customs, language tidbits, introduction to deities, tales, poetry, prayers, incantations, tree and animal lore–the whole bit, all neatly organized to follow throughout the year with each of the festivals (Imbolc, Ostara, Beltaine .. so forth). I highly recommend it.

Brighid’s Healing: Ireland’s Celtic Medicine Traditions, by Gina McGarry
The title says it all—this book approaches healing with Brighid at the fore, and is full of ideas, theory, observation and treatment, materia medica and also integrating a wide variety of disciplines such as aromatherapy, herbalism, massage, and dietary advice.

Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche, by Bill Plotkin
One of the most practical books out there on finding and following your own soul’s longings and pathway. Moves from soul psychology to wilderness rites, bardic arts, rituals, how to have a soulful relationship, giving up addictions, dreamwork, personal mythologies, trance dancing, using nature and solitude to heal yourself, the list goes on and on. A meaty and well-worth it kind of book.


~The Mist-Filled Path, by Frank MacEowen
This book is about rediscovering the mystery and spiritual essence of everything around us, about re-awakening our spiritual senses to the Otherworlds around us, and basically about how to find joy and fulfillment in your life. Touches on subjects like hiraeth, the Great Song, ancestor work, ritual and being revitalised by Life’s magic.

~The Spiral of Memory and Belonging, also by Frank MacEowen
It goes into detail about what it means to transform, heal, and follow a “shamanic” path–shamanic simply means here a holistic, healing path where you work with spirits of ancestors, nature, and sacred places. The author has said some things that greatly needed to be said in our world today.


~Celtic Myth and Legend, by Peter Berresford Ellis
Here is a well-written, freshly translated (from the celtic texts to english) compilation of tales from all over the Celtic world–Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, Brittany, and the Isle of Man. If you are interested in getting to know Celtic deities, heros, and their world–read this book.


~The Sevenwaters Trilogy, by Juliet Marillier
This may be a fantasy-historical set of books, but they are one of the best looks into the world of magic and druidry that I know. It really gets you into the mythic mindset that the ancient Celts would have been in, and does it all through a very compelling and soul-throbbing plot and characterization. First book is “Daughter of the Forest”.


~River Flow: New and Selected Poems, by David Whyte